“All Figma Rider vs. Little Dai Shocker!” -Part 2-

“The battle continues!”


Filming started out rough with part 2, and i hit a few road bumps along the way. However, it is now complete and much sooner than expected! This part took a whole lot more effort than i thought but was still very fun, all in all things went about 80% according to script. Had to cut a few scenes because i wasnt able to pull it off ^^;(thats prolly why i finished sooner) Spent far too long on editing and adding audio and i noticed that the pace is a bit fast, timing need a bit work… hopefully its still enjoyable!







~ by rockleelotus on September 25, 2009.

21 Responses to ““All Figma Rider vs. Little Dai Shocker!” -Part 2-”

  1. LoL….man I knew it! More Exia whoring!!! Your vid is getting very close to stop motion already ^^. Can’t wait for part 3 🙂 That combination kick at the end was awesome!

  2. hahahha this is better than the first one and definitely more enjoyable. A cliffy!!

  3. LOL!
    Gundam Exia = final boss.
    Love the rider kick “animation”, and the sound effects! ^^;

  4. Ohmygod that was amazing!! The effects were spot on and your choice of music this time really fit all the action. Definitely more enjoyable than the previous. The RIDER KICK scene was amazingly epic. AND OH THE CLIFFHANGERRRR. EXIAAAA! Can’t wait to see the next one!

    Now excuse as I go and rewatch it again. ^^

  5. Epic! Drossel entrance scene is done very well too, very fitting dialogue, like Decade music in the background, the “delicious pastries gave me a nice chuckle! Rider kick scene was very good. Exia as the final boss heh.

    • i tried to give Drossel a grand entrance as my new figure ^^ glad you like the dialogue, there wasnt much of it but its always the most difficult part for me to write! and i had to do the group jump/flip rider kick that i keep seeing in the original trailers!

  6. are you planning put exia as BOSS

  7. I hate too see the nendo lost the battle (since they’re cute :D). But at least the Figmas are beating them with style!
    Can’t wait for the next episode!

  8. Watching Konata get shot in the face was brilliant XD


    I’m sorry for the super late comments, I never had a chance to watch this until now! I looooved Drossel’s enterence, and the Gundam’s appearance at the end was very cool ^0^ Can’t wait for the next part!


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